Saturday, January 7, 2012

Crying.....Tears of joy.

I don't even know how to begin this post really. I'd just like to say that off to a fantastic start. The sky looks brighter, the trees look greener, everything today looks more beautiful, more magical, as if i am seeing it for the first time. I actually moved my favorite chair to the window just so i could sit there and appreciate a world I couldn't be happier to be in.

Why the sudden mood swing, and all the rambling about the beauty of our world?
It's simple isn't it?

I am going to be a mother.

In other words..... We are APPROVED.

Our homestudy isn't quite complete we still have 2 more visits, but our social worker so graciously told us yesterday during our homestudy that she will be approving us and that she has complete faith that will will be fantastic parents.

I could hardly believe her words as she was speaking them. I thought i had begun to hallucinate. I turned so fast to look at my husband to see if he heard it to, and he was as i am now. Eyes softened, teeth exposed and stretched into the hugest smile that i have ever seen.

This was the moment we have waited for for 5 years. To know that finally, it's our turn, that our waiting is nearly at an end. That there is a little baby out there who will someday be joining our family. To say this was the single greatest moment of my life would not be a lie.

So i sat there grinning stupidly, willing her to wrap things up so that i could explode with joy. Nearly the second she left i just stood there, waiting for my husband to say it. And the words came, no, danced, the words danced from his lips. " WE ARE APPROVED!" He shrieked with joy. I of course shrieked back. For awhile we just stood there giggling, shrieking, and smiling with joy and hugging and kissing each other.

Then came the dancing. Lol. We danced around the house in celebration. It came to an end however when i realized i needed to call everyone who would listen!

To think, I am this excited about getting approved, I can not imagine how i am going to feel once we have a proposal. Ha!

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